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Sunday, 18 December 2016

Crimes of the Irish

In my third blog post I will examine the statistics of crime in Ireland, and compare it with other countries.

First I am going to look at homicide in Ireland. In 2015, there were 62 recorded homicides. This is less than half of the 126, 10 years ago. But let's compare this to a country of similar population and GDP, Norway. Norway has a murder rate of 2.2 per 100,000 people, this is higher than Ireland's, which is 1.2. In 2011, there were 111 homicides in Norway nearly twice that of Ireland's 66, in the same year. However, Ireland's murder rate is still much lower than most of our other EU counterparts. The likes of the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain and The Netherlands all have murder rates that are sub-1.

   But all is not improving in Ireland, sexual offences have increased by almost 1,000 since 2006 and the different forms of assault and harassment are on the rise. Kidnapping has also doubled in the last 10 years. Some of this may just be down to the increase in the natural country's population in recent years, but I think other factors contribute to this, which I will come to later. Other crimes that have risen include Fraud and Crimes against the Government.

   Now, you may be asking yourself why have certain crimes become more frequent. Well, I think one major factor is the Economic Crisis. With this, crimes such as Kidnapping, Fraud and Crimes against the Government are more likely, as kidnappers seek to receive ransoms perhaps and also the corruption of bankers becomes more likely. Ireland's high assault rate peaked in 2008, before rising again last year after a dip in the previous years. Ireland's assault rate is nearly 17,000, this is about 370 assaults per 100,000 people. I think the alcohol culture of this island greatly contributes to that. When people become intoxicated they may be more likely to assault another person.

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